
Heya! Welcome to my webspace! My own cozy corner to write all about the things I love! Here I'll be talking about things I am interested in and are important to me! My hobbies; Anime, video games, cosplay, OCs, world building and story telling, and much much more. I will most likely be using this website as a personal diary- recording of my daily life, venting, talking about mental health, etc. I mostly want to use this place as my own little escape from the rest of the world. This website is for me first and foremost, but if you find yourself enjoying what I've got collected here then that makes me even happier! I have way too many interests and hobbies and I constantly delve into new ones. I'd like to also use this website as a means for me to improve and grow as a person- Kind of like an online bullet journal or something.

Hoiii! Hi Hi Hi! My name's not important, but you can call me Misha! I'm a coding n00b, so please bear with me as I use template / old abandoned code when making layouts ^^; I'm an adult currently pursuing their lifelong dream as a freelance artist, and trying to become more of a functional person along the way! I love y2k culture, visual novels/eroge, horror, occult stuff, and denpa (The subculture and the music genre!~) My hobbies are drawing, playing video games, collecting ocs / world building, and watching anime! NICE TO MEET CHU~
3/20/2023: Site Update- Dream Diary has been added.

3/19/2023: Site Update- Main Site & Diary 'Completed'!

3/13/2023: Site Update- Website Launched


Mood: Hungry
Listening to:
Watching: Alien 9
Reading: Berserk
Playing: With your heart~
Eating: NOTHING X_X;