: I was about to write about how it's April Fool's day but it's already midnight, huh....Welp. I'm tired and ready to hit the sack, but I figure doing some diary writing would be good for me. Today was pretty unproductive...I wanted to do audition stuff but sadly I wasn't home alone...It sucked because Robbie's parents were out, but his sister came by the house. So I couldn't weh. I wanted to animate too, but I kept getting frustrated...I feel like my attention span is so small now...Hate it! Anyway Robbie just got home a little bit ago, it's now Sunday so he has the day off. I'm gonna get hiim to take me to target tomorrow to get some necessities- shampoo, conditioner, body wash, deoderant.....and then I'm going to look at perfume and cosmetics because goddamnit I want to be girlier- I want to be cuter!!! I ordered some perfume and some makeup with my amazon giftcard tonight- Ariana Grande's Cloud 9 and the Lime Crime Venus XL Palette. I want to do my makeup all cute!!! It's just frustrating I have pretty hooded eyes to eyeshadow doesn't do too much for me *sigh* Oh well. Tomorrow I'm apparently going to Robbie's friend Jem's house to hang out with them and their partner!! They've got a lot of arcade cabs which is awesome and something I'm looking forward to checking out while I'm there!! I also decided to get on twitter and make a post about showing my new vtuber model, I wonder if it will get the RTs and Like goals...I kinda hope it doesn't...I like it to be a mystery and even a bigger suprise when I redebut on my 1 year anniversary. Wahh...I want to type more but I am so sleepy. I suppose I'll get up and see what Robbie's up to...I'd like to spend some time with him since he was gone all day... Man my eyes are getting heavy right now. One second I'm gonna see what he's doing and see if I can get him to come to bed.........Okay Robbie is relaxing and laying down, but he said he'd be in here soon....I might try to sneak eating a poptart in...I know I shouldn't cause I've already taken my medication, but I'm tired zzzz....aaaaahhhhh weh. I'm gonna go ahead and turn off my laptop and sleep. Gooooooodnight hsfbhsfvbehsfvhesj
: It's already almost 3 pm wowzers, where did the time go?! I was meaning to record journal entries the past few days but I wasn't really sitting at my computer so I forgot....Woops. Today has been pretty productive(?) though so far? Did the dishes and laundry and now I'm going to work on a commission I have as well as patreon stuff and maybe stream it while I'm at it. I'm trying to remember what I exactly did yesterday... I was home? But I don't remember what I did wtf...Is my memory really that bad?? Day before yesterday I went to the shop and hung out, it was soooo overwhelming, this really annoying family came in and sat aroud me and played Jenga. The little kids (they were like 6~8 maybe??) kept calling each other stupid, making fun of an older kid for not having a Dad, and kept pointing a broken dreamcast fishing pole around acting like it was a gun and telling Robbie and his employee he was gonna shoot them. Honestly man, I really don't like kids. It's not their fault, they're probably a product of their enviornment, but it's still sad to see. OH! I remember what I did yesterday, I streamed for most of the day! I streamed for about 4 and a half hours doing pixel art and super meat boy. It was a lot of fun, I missed chat and I missed streaming in general...I wanna go back lol. Other than thet I got some yu gi oh cards today, the Traptrix Structure Deck Robbie got me as a surprise last night c: I also got word that this big commission I've been waiting months for is finally almost done! I'm just waiting for the artist to email me the file, it's torturous lolololol. I'm letting my ipad charge but soon I'm gonna change my laundry around/fold clothes and make some edits to my current character design commission. I did a tarot reading last night and I am once again trying to take control of my life and be productive and stuff. I am so tired of feeling like a slug :P Anyway that's all I can think of for now, I'll come back later and type if I'm inspired to, but for now I'm gonna hop off!
: I was going to write a bit of a ranty post today because I was grumpy because there was no hot water so I couldn't shower (It was ICE cold, not even luke warm), so I was kind of pissy....But then, to my surprise, I'm getting a really big, yummy breakfast, so all is okay!! I'm going to start showering at night from now on, less of a chance for something else to be using water resources...I can't really do anything while I'm hungry so I'll blog until I eat, then I'll kickstart my day and work on obligations (commissions, patreon stuff, etc.) It's a Monday today so Robbie's off work, we're just chilling out, he's drawing and watching Red Letter Media, and I'm listening to music (Gorillaz's new album Cracker Island) and writing this diary entry. I want to do more coding and work on my website today, it's really relaxing in a wierd way (Like it is but it also isn't). Maybe when I finish the skeleton of this website. Update: Time has passed and I ate so I'm feeling pretty good, I got the Dream Diary page done, I just need to have dreams to record. I'm feeling a little demotivated, all I want to do is do personal projects (work on ocs, maybe write a story, etc). But I need to do freelance things that are my job!! Gotta keep working hard!! Update x2: I got the rough sketch of a commission done today so I'm feeling accomplished! I just ate dinner and now I'm back to hanging with Robbie. I think I might try and 3D model...I've been looking up supplementary jobs and they all sound miserable LOL. So I need to learn 3D or live2D or something haha...
: In a weird way today was very productive and unproductive. I went out to the bookstore with Robbie and I bought The animator's Survival Kit. I've been wanting to get a book on story boarding for awhile and this was the only thing close to that that I could find... I suppose I'll attempt to practice animating again, it was my childhood dream, wasn't it? Lol. Other than that I've basically been working on this website all day. I know it's not much, and my code isn't from scratch, but I put a lot of effort into it and I'm pretty happy with what I've got so far!! I'm already excited to use this as a journal and record my days!! I don't know if I'll make entries for everyday though, maybe only when something interesting happens. Other than that I haven't done much, I need to work on a commission and some stuff for my patreon but in all honesty I'm kind of burned out...I'll take care of it tomorrow though! Last night I marathoned Alien 9 at the shop and man did a lot of the themes go over my head as a teenager when I first watched it. Great anime though!! Robbie bought the manga so I'll probably take a crack into that too! If you didn't notice by the side bar, I also want to make different journal entries for dream diary stuff as well as a food/cooking log! I think recording my expiriences trying to cook and get cool food is a cute idea... Wah....Well, it's 11:45 PM right now and I kind of have a dull headache from working on the computer all day, so I think I might end things here and slide into bed or something....at least get my pajamas on...